10 Best free Live TV Apps for Android & iOS | (Updated 2022)

Do you know that it is possible to watch TV channels quietly directly from your Android smartphone? Do you know you can follow your favourite series with Android streaming apps? This article introduces you to the best free IPTV application for Android that you can use to watch TV for free and without interruption. Because the customer experience when watching TV is not the same as a smartphone or even a tablet, many consumers prefer large entertainment screens. Android has gradually become a necessity on TV, as does the smartphone. We have selected the best Android TV application for you so you can get the best from the box or connected TV.

Elegância nas Apostas Brasileiras: A Essência do Brabet Betting

Você já se perguntou como a elegância se manifesta nas apostas brasileiras? O mundo das apostas esportivas está repleto de estratégias, estatísticas e análises, mas há algo mais do que apenas números e fatos. No coração das apostas, encontramos a essência do Brabet Betting, uma abordagem única que combina sofisticação e paixão pelo esporte.

Neste artigo, exploraremos o fascinante mundo das apostas brasileiras e mergulharemos na elegância que permeia essa prática. Discutiremos como a cultura brasileira se reflete nas apostas esportivas, destacando a importância da intuição e da emoção ao fazer uma aposta. Além disso, examinaremos a influência do estilo de vida luxuoso e sofisticado dos brasileiros na forma como eles apostam. Prepare-se para uma jornada emocionante repleta de dicas, insights e descobertas sobre o Brabet Betting e a elegância nas apostas brasileiras!

A história das apostas no Brasil: do passado ao presente

A elegância nas apostas brasileiras é uma característica marcante do Brabet Betting. Com sua interface sofisticada e intuitiva, o Brabet Betting oferece uma experiência única aos seus usuários, combinando estilo e funcionalidade. Seja você um apostador iniciante ou experiente, o Brabet Betting proporciona uma plataforma confiável e segura para explorar seu potencial de apostas.

A essência do Brabet Betting está na diversidade de opções que oferece aos seus usuários. Com uma ampla gama de esportes e eventos disponíveis para apostas, o Brabet Betting se destaca por sua variedade e qualidade. Desde os tradicionais esportes como futebol, basquete e tênis, até modalidades menos convencionais como e-sports e corridas de cavalos, o Brabet Betting atende a todos os gostos e preferências, proporcionando uma experiência completa de apostas esportivas.

Além disso, o Brabet Betting se destaca pela excelência de seu atendimento ao cliente. Com uma equipe dedicada e prestativa, o Brabet Betting oferece suporte personalizado e eficiente, garantindo que todas as dúvidas e questões sejam prontamente atendidas. A transparência e a confiabilidade são valores fundamentais para o Brabet Betting, que busca sempre a satisfação total de seus usuários.

A ascensão do Brabet Betting como uma opção elegante para os brasileiros

Elegância nas Apostas Brasileiras: A Essência do Brabet Betting. Quando se trata de apostas esportivas online, o Brabet Betting se destaca como uma plataforma de referência. Com uma interface intuitiva e uma ampla variedade de opções de apostas, o Brabet Betting oferece aos jogadores brasileiros uma experiência de apostas elegante e emocionante.

No Brabet Betting, os jogadores podem apostar em uma variedade de esportes populares, como futebol, basquete, tênis e muito mais. Além disso, o site oferece uma ampla gama de mercados de apostas, permitindo que os jogadores personalizem suas apostas de acordo com suas preferências. Com odds competitivas e pagamentos rápidos, o Brabet Betting garante que os jogadores tenham uma experiência de apostas gratificante e confiável.

Com a missão de fornecer uma experiência de apostas de qualidade, o Brabet Betting se destaca por sua segurança e confiabilidade. O site é licenciado e regulamentado, garantindo que todas as transações e informações pessoais dos jogadores sejam protegidas. Além disso, o Brabet Betting oferece suporte ao cliente 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, para garantir que todas as dúvidas ou problemas sejam prontamente resolvidos. Para uma experiência de apostas online elegante e confiável, visite brabetonline.org e junte-se à emoção das apostas esportivas!

Os elementos-chave que definem a elegância nas apostas brasileiras

Brabet Betting é sinônimo de elegância nas apostas brasileiras. Com uma interface intuitiva e sofisticada, a plataforma oferece uma experiência única aos seus usuários, combinando a emoção dos jogos de azar com um ambiente refinado. Seja um apostador experiente ou um iniciante, no Brabet Betting você encontrará tudo o que precisa para desfrutar de apostas online com classe e estilo.

A essência do Brabet Betting está em sua seleção cuidadosa de jogos e eventos esportivos. Aqui, você encontrará uma variedade impressionante de opções, desde os clássicos jogos de cassino até apostas esportivas em uma ampla gama de modalidades. Além disso, a plataforma oferece promoções exclusivas e bônus emocionantes, garantindo que você tenha ainda mais chances de ganhar enquanto desfruta de todo o glamour que o Brabet Betting proporciona.

Além de sua elegância e diversidade de opções, o Brabet Betting se destaca pelo seu compromisso com a segurança e confiabilidade. A plataforma utiliza tecnologia avançada de criptografia para garantir a proteção dos dados pessoais e financeiros dos usuários, além de contar com um suporte ao cliente dedicado, pronto para auxiliar em qualquer dúvida ou problema que possa surgir. Com o Brabet Betting, você pode apostar com tranquilidade, sabendo que está em boas mãos.

O impacto da cultura e tradições locais no Brabet Betting

A elegância nas apostas brasileiras é algo que está no DNA da Brabet Betting. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência única para os apostadores, combinando sofisticação e praticidade em um só lugar. Desde o design moderno e intuitivo até as opções de apostas diversificadas, tudo foi pensado para proporcionar aos nossos usuários uma atmosfera elegante e exclusiva.

A essência da Brabet Betting vai além do entretenimento. Valorizamos a confiança e a transparência, garantindo que nossos apostadores desfrutem de um ambiente seguro e justo. Com uma ampla gama de esportes e eventos para apostar, nossos usuários têm a oportunidade de vivenciar a emoção das apostas esportivas de forma elegante e emocionante. Junte-se à Brabet Betting e descubra a verdadeira essência da elegância nas apostas brasileiras.

A importância da responsabilidade e ética nas apostas elegantes no Brasil

Na Brabet Betting, a elegância nas apostas é a essência do nosso negócio. Com uma plataforma sofisticada e intuitiva, oferecemos aos apostadores brasileiros uma experiência única e emocionante. Desde apostas esportivas até jogos de cassino, estamos comprometidos em proporcionar um ambiente seguro e confiável para que nossos clientes possam desfrutar do melhor do entretenimento online.

Nossa equipe de especialistas está sempre atualizada com as últimas tendências do mercado de apostas, garantindo que nossos clientes tenham acesso a uma ampla variedade de opções e oportunidades de apostas. Além disso, oferecemos promoções e bônus exclusivos para recompensar a fidelidade de nossos jogadores. Com uma interface elegante e funcional, a Brabet Betting é o destino ideal para aqueles que buscam uma experiência de apostas online superior, combinando estilo, segurança e diversão em um só lugar.

Em resumo, o Brabet Betting é a escolha perfeita para os amantes de apostas que buscam elegância e sofisticação. Com uma plataforma intuitiva, uma ampla variedade de opções de apostas e um atendimento ao cliente de primeira classe, o Brabet Betting se destaca como uma das principais opções para os brasileiros que desejam entrar no mundo das apostas online. Além disso, a empresa se compromete em oferecer um ambiente seguro e confiável para seus usuários, garantindo a proteção de seus dados pessoais e financeiros. Não perca tempo, junte-se à comunidade do Brabet Betting e experimente a verdadeira essência das apostas brasileiras!

Best free Live TV App

Android TV was first announced as a smart TV platform in 2014, and we have gone a long way since then. Where Android TV was originally only made by TV manufacturers who decided to add the Android TV operating system to their flagship TVs, we now see several Android TV boxes. You are converting any TV with an HDMI port into an Android TV. For Example, Mi-Box. This $69 Android box looks fresh, pretty good. It comes with a 2 GHz clocked quad-core processor, 2 GB RAM, and 8 GB internal flash memory. The Mi Box can also transfer 4K HDR video to an HDMI 2.0b connection. Things like that make Android TV much more accessible and accessible to more people. But today we bring the Best free live TV app for Android & iOS for you. Want to watch movies with friends?

Best free Live TV App

In this guide, I present a list of the best TV box applications. Most applications are very important for Android TV Box users. So, if you are looking for the best Android free TV referral app, this post is specifically about you. All these apps are not in the Google Play store, but you can download them from here.


Tubi is a free video streaming provider founded in 2014 and is based in San Francisco, USA. According to Tubi, he owns no less than 12,000 films, series, and TV shows from major studios such as Paramount, MGM, and others.

Tubi free streaming app

A streaming site for non-connoisseurs is a site that hosts movies and other videos and offers to view these videos directly online. This is known as “VOD,” which means “Video on Demand.” You can’t download videos; you can only watch them. According to a recent press release, Tubi’s video library has over 12,000 titles, making it more prominent in the database than Netflix. The only downside so far is the fact that it’s only available in the US and Canada.




  • Tubi is completely free. No subscription is available. Moreover, Tubi is legal.
  • Users can watch videos without interruption without having to register and donate money.
  • Users can create an account free of cost to watch a film from one medium to another by synchronizing the queue or the last minute of the video viewing.
  • Tubi gets paid through ads provided by streaming partners such as MGM, Lionsgate, and Paramount.

Peacock TV

Peacock, Comcast’s NBC Universal streaming service, is an experience of all kinds. Tiled user interfaces and big-name networks look like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney Plus HBO Max. But unlike this service, it has an entirely free version and has a lot of news, live sports, extensive television series, and films. In doing so, it’s similar to free streaming services like Pluto TV, Tubi, and Roku, but with a better selection of exclusive and reliable shows and movies.

Peacock TV app




  • Large catalog of series and movies
  • Live news and next day access to selected NBC shows
  • Full access to great shows and originals is not free
  • You’ll find shows, movies, news, live sports, and sketch-style music videos featuring stars such as Modern Family, 30 Rock, and The Bourne Identity

Plex TV

Plex is an app that lets you access your movies and series, music and photos, from anywhere in your home and outside when you need them. Meanwhile, Plex also offers a free online media library with tons of films, series and documentaries.

Plex TV app

Plex Media Server is a free media centre that allows you to manage and process your music collection, movies and series, and transfer them to almost any device or operating system via a home network or the Internet. While Kodi only downloads data from the network via an NVIDIA box, Plex takes a different approach and allows media servers to run on computers or NAS devices instead.




  • 180+ Channels of free live Streaming
  • You can favorite watch movies, tv-series, music online or offline, anytime

Mobdro App – Top-Rated TV App for Android and iOS

Note: Mobdro App is not working yet.

With the Mobdro application, you can watch live TV in more than ten different languages ​​(French, English, Arabic, etc.). The Mobdro application interface is easy to use and operate. If you don’t know the Mobdro app yet, you can’t find it without it if you find and use it. With this app, you can watch movies, series, and TV channels free and unlimited. Mobdro’s feature is that it constantly searches for the best free videos on the Internet and transfers them to your device.

Top-Rated TV App for Android and iOS




Mobdro not only constantly searches for the best videos on the web, but also offers you the following options:

  • Easily find streaming videos from around the world, cross topics and languages
  • Share and recommend films, series, and TV shows with your friends on social networks
  • Arrange feeds and filters by language or topic, always keeping track of your readers
  • Download your favourite movies, series, and shows to watch offline
  • Many downloads are stored here on the Google Play Store and in the most important application store
  • You can access live camera broadcasts or games from various live video games

Molotov – Best Live TV App for France and Europe

Molotov is the app that you will love watching TV (with more than 90 live TV channels). Molotow is an app that I like, But I have to tell you something: Molotow is only available in France and the European Union.

I have a feeling that those who are not in France or the European Union are slowly becoming discouraged. Don’t worry if you are also one of this genre. I will show tricks to overcome this limitation and to use Molotov outside France and the European Union.


Molotov wants to modernize television with this playback and bookmark function. One feature that I like about Molotov.tv is playback. Imagine losing the first 10 minutes of the M6 ​​series straight away, and with Molotov, you can continue this episode from the beginning.




  • Films and serials are categorized so you can quickly find what you are looking for (action, comedy, police, etc.)
  • You can enter the name of the actor or director, television host, politician or comedian, then click “Follow.” The intelligent function of Molotov warns you as soon as they can be seen on TV, even when you are not in front of the screen, regardless of the type of program. Right, is not it?
  • Save the desired program. Find every time you log in and be available for as long as you want
  • Get your show right where you left it, even on other devices

ShowBox – Best Live TV Apps for Android

I present a great application that deserves third place: it is ShowBox. Put merely, Showbox is one of the most popular Android apps for watching unlimited free movies and TV shows. ShowBox is a free application that is available on the Android and iOS platforms and gives users access to various multimedia functions, including movies, videos, and TV shows. This application not only tracks streaming but also downloads them so you can follow them later.

Best Live TV Apps for Android


  • All features of the Showbox application is free and easy to use
  • In addition to streaming movies, TV shows, and series, you can also download your favorite movies, shows, and series to watch offline
  • With ShowBox, you can record videos to make your experience enjoyable
  • You can also watch movies and TV shows on Chromecast
  • This beautiful application also has a music streaming function. You can easily listen to your favorite songs
  • Movies and TELEVISION shows grouped by genre, year, title, rating, and type
  • Videos can view with MX Player or other external video players such as VLC and others

Live Net TV – Best TV App for Allover World

The Live Net TV application is one of the most popular TV, sports, movie, and free TV applications for the Android operating system. This application holds more than 700 channels from various countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, the Middle East, India, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and many other countries.

Live Net TV

This application hosts several connections for channels with standard SD connections and HD connections. Open the link in the video player, especially in the MX player (this software is compatible with other famous players). Let the buffer run out and enjoy streaming on your mobile device. Watch is free, but with advertising support for sports, entertainment, movies, and more right on your mobile device. However, you can buy an ad-free premium subscription by paying through Bitcoin.



  • Maintain high-quality TV broadcasts
  • VOD for films
  • Chromecast Support
  • More than 750 direct channels from various categories and genres
  • Lots of support for external video players
  • All videos are completely free
  • The interface is easy to use
  • Filter comfort channels

Vodafone TV

Vodafone is a mobile app that allows you to choose from various channels for every taste. It can be in the form of serials, documentaries, films, sports, music, children, etc. Namely, both DDG channels and film and television are operating in many countries in the world.

Vodafone app

Besides, this application includes features that allow you to broadcast content that you watch on your mobile or tablet to a TV or even vice versa. You can also make a list of your favorite channels to save time by finding what you want to watch. But to enjoy this, you must have WiFi or an excellent cellular connection and also be a customer of this service.


  • Gave the complete of data & internet usage
  • Filter channels & series
  • Easy to use


Looking for content directly from the US, USTV is the best choice for live streaming from US TV channels. And Canada on your cellphone. The USTV app offers more than 150 live TV channels in the US that you can enjoy.

USTVNow app


  • Get access to the US channel popular, including outside the US.
  • This application has a spotless user interface
  • Outstanding live library to choose from
  • This application not only accommodates US channels but also from other European countries
  • There are no special requirements for playing applications and devices with 4.1 or higher ready for operation
  • In general, there are no problems with playing or buffering on a good internet network
  • Last but not least, this application is free and does not require a subscription to play videos

Disney Channel (Android/iOS)

If you are looking for a program for young people or young people at home, this application is the most ideal. Because this is still a live channel and is present on all mobile devices even though it’s been for years, therefore it offers a very visual interface where all available series are summarized.

disney app

Additionally, you can watch content on request or broadcast live on the free Disney Channel application at this time. That is why you can enjoy content from anywhere. However, this application does not contain all episodes from the current series. And you should know this every time the platform updates the list of offered series.


  • The popular channel for children also offers applications for Android phones and tablets so that “children” can enjoy their favorite series anywhere
  • The truth is that this is one of the free TV applications that work best
  • It offers live programs, on-demand, games, and videos for small children in home entertainment
  • Another interesting option is the ability to watch serials in English, which also provide an educational touch

Final Words:

We have hundreds of options for choosing free TV streaming apps today. Therefore, there is no reason to continue to pay so much money to our cable or satellite TV providers. Exit this service to save money! With these online TV applications, you can watch local, international news, entertainment, educational television programs for children, and thousands of TV shows and films at no cost.

6 thoughts on “10 Best free Live TV Apps for Android & iOS | (Updated 2022)”

    • Thank you Sir for reaching us! Mobdro team working to find the solution and soon it will become visible to everyone.
      No doubt, Thop TV is the best TV app for live streaming and we will be updated it soon in our article.

  1. I thought this stated it was updated for 2021 ?? MOBDRO has not been working for a long time now. All of their servers are kaput so not sure how you can even have them on this list let alone so high. It is not a case of updating the app either as I have tried uninstalling it and downloading it again, still does not work. So if you missed something as simple as that in your evaluations I doubt anyone can take this list seriously.

    • Hello Sir!

      Thanks for the feedback! We are working to find new content on free streaming apps and publish them as soon as possible. We will add “PLEX TV” to our upcoming list.


  2. Most of the ones on this list either suck (SHOWBOX) or you have to pay for (Vodafone). The only one that is decent on this list is Live Net TV. The list is so old and antiquated. Not up to date with 2021 for sure. I can’t believe you don’t even have “PLEX” on this list which beats most of the ones you have listed with some great Live TV channels.

  3. is a pity that ola tv is now down i don´t know whats happening because it was a very good app


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